1973 Summer Camp at Stratton Mountain Scout Reservation

Jul 01 1973 (estimated)
Posted In: Camping Trips

In the summer of 1973, Troop 53 attended summer camp at Stratton Mountain Scout Reservation.

The camp has since closed. Here's a brief overview of the camp, according to former Troop 53 Scout Master, Paul Albertine.

The site of Stratton Mountain Scout Reservation, from 1950-1979. First owned by Fort Orange Council, Albany, NY, then Fort Orange - Uncle Sam and finally, Governor Clinton Council. Few of the buildings survive today. Traces of the old sites exist and the trail structure remains intact. A clean lake to swim in and fun to canoe at. Located near the Long Trail and a short hike to Somerset Reservoir. I attended summer camp there in 1971, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976 & 1977.


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